08 July 2008

First Run in a Long Time

Well we got our email reminder from G-O-A-L-S to register for the Krista which is a 50 mile race at hawk mountain. (one of our favorites).

My plan was to work hard this year and try to get us in contention for a top 10 or podium finish. then Disney happened. My previous post.

So, today I am 12 pounds heaver then the target I set for myself 5 months ago, I am 2 minutes per mile slower.... but the good news is I don't feel any pain in my knee.

that's right, tonight I ran 2miles in around 17:30, Iced my knees after, mowed the lawn and did not feel any pain. I am running in new, lighter shoes and taking preventative Advil to reduce any swelling.

Tomorrow I will go out for a quick road ride, depending on how I feel, I may run another 2 miles
Friday or Sat.

I plan to make the call on if I think my knees can finish the Krista w/o getting injured. (I am sure I can finish the Krista, but a what cost? I don't want to put the Blackbeard and Edge in jeopardy by rushing into a 50 miler.)

stay tuned for updates...

25 June 2008

Quick Update


My knee really hurt during my last Disney trip.... too much early running and walking through the parks on flat cheap sandals.

During our last race (SOAR) my knee was acting up, in fact when my bike broke and we made it a one speed with 5.5 hours left to ride, I really chewed up my knee. I over drove the gear I was in (middle middle) on climbs, lots of out of the saddle, I was smoked and the knee was barkin'. (more on that later). The knee was so miserable that I only trotted / walked on our last 1.5 mile foot movement uphill to the rappel at the end of the day.

I could not move it much the next day on the way back home.

I have not run since the race.

Today I saw an Ortho.... very nice. Got some X rays...
His diagnosis was 'Classic Tendinitis, predisposed to it by my knee bone structure'. (thank god)
He said my knee caps are misaligned and I am prone to this condition. [Evidently my self medicating Tylenol 800mg about every hour during marches and field maneuvers kept the swelling down in my former life. :)]

He gave me a shot of cortisone, claiming I have a 50% chance of the shot working.
He told me to rest the knee; ice it when done working out; take advil, and gently ease back into training.

I see him 6 AUG for followup, but he believes I can race at the end of AUG.

He and John recommended I consider using ellipticals...

what a sigh of relief.. I was worried I would have some kind of 'real' problem.

16 June 2008

Making it Back

Well, John and I completed the SOAR race weekend. (more like a 4 day odessey)...

we will post our detailed report soon!!

12 June 2008

The road goes ever on and on...

Day one is in the books. With a bit over 800 miles behind us Rob and I are settled in a hotel a little more than an hour from Highlands. Tomorrow we'll head to the race venue and see what we can find out about the race by quizzing some of the locals and taking a look at the actual terrain.

We got on the road around 1045 this morning, which was about a hour earlier than we had planned. It's not often that things go more smoothly than you expect, but we were willing to take advantage of the fact and get on the road with some time to spare.

A bit more than a hour into the ride we got to Carlisle and decided to stop for lunch and take a quick look at the house Jen, the girls, and I had lived in immediately after I left the service. While the picture to the left doesn't really do the house justice, Rob did say that Jen deserves a medal for allowing me to uproot her from this place and bring our gypsy caravan to NJ to follow a job. With that quick sojourn behind us, probably the most significant happening of the day came around 1 pm when the stereo in the van spontaneously died. I personally think that the device had been giving us some none-too-subtle hints that it was about to give up the ghost while listening to some podcasts earlier in the morning. It did this by repeatedly flipping the direction of play for the cassette adapter with no warning. My working theory was that the stereo was using this technique to file a protest for being overworked. When we didn't didn't read the signs properly there was clearly only one remaining option for the stereo. So, it quit. This obviously puts the kibosh on our ideas for listening to the entire Dune audio book...perhaps more importantly it also limits our ability to start each day with a ceremonial playing of White and Nerdy.

At this point our fingers are crossed that the problem is just a blown fuse that can be quickly swapped out. We'll try to find a Dodge dealership tomorrow so that someone can look at the issue and at least give us an idea of whether it is quickly repairable. If not, then we'll do without...and this trip will seem a whole lot longer. Strange as this may seem to some of you, even Rob and I are hard pressed to come up with enough conversation to fill 8+ hours of non-stop driving.

With our entertainment options thus reduced, Rob and I had to settle for more primitive entertainment on the road. I will allow the our readers to determine our state of mind by considering the two pictures below which I considered hilarious when I saw them.

Ok...so we aren't talking Monty Python quality humor here, but come on...El Cruncho? That's pretty good. And I don't know who Professor Cline is or what he studied, but I have to say that his Haunted Monster Museum is awfully damn intriguing. It also makes you wonder, what exactly do you think he is a professor of? Monsterology?

More information tomorrow once we have had a chance to recon the race site. -- John

Too Excited...

[This is post 2 of a multi post race event for original Special Operations Adventure Race post, John started here....link]

So John calls me last night. Kind of last minute, I need to hear your voice kind of stuff. What am I doing at that time??? Mowing the lawn, why you ask? Because I will be in no condition to mow it on Sunday. :)

I come in from the lawn last night, I get showered and Carla gives me the message from John. Something like… “Rob, give me a call, I would like to make sure I am bringing the right stuff, no emergency just call me tonight”… UM, what?… I am thinking to myself... that can’t be what John said or means. Why did I doubt the message I got from my wife? Because on Tuesday (5 days before the race), John was recounting his packing list with particular emphasis on the decisions he made the previous night (Monday). (Notably to repack and take a tube out of his saddle bag the night before) In a word John is prepared. So why the call…. Mox nix. The call was good for me, helped get me out of thinking about the work crisis du jour. (and it is a crisis, which I leave behind for Sam)

The call was good for me since I was able to convince John to bring his kayak paddle, in case at the race meeting Friday at 1900, they announce conditions that would allow us to bring paddles. This is a good idea to me, since I am not convinced attaching half paddles to a camelback on the race is a bad idea yet. The mountains of Highland, NC might help me decide in a hurry… I will let you know. The reason taking a kayak paddle makes sense to me, kayak paddles provides advantage in the water section (10% of the race), and even if we don’t use it, we have room to take it on the road trip.

Why do we have room to take it??? Because my cool wife let me ‘borrow the mini-van’… and it’s not just a mini-van, it’s a mini-van with a THULE luggage rack on top. (yes--- yet another indicator of self domestication, I am a proud owner of a grand caravan with stow and go and a roof rack and bike rack, and big cup holders) very good for piling the team and gear and bikes for road trips. (Very good for piling family and extended family and luggage for road trips to Disney… but that is another story) The Van is sooooooo large that we might just be able to sleep in the back in sleeping bags!. If that plays out and we move the bikes to the bike rack, then we could conceivably spend nothing on lodging for the trip… saving around 90 bucks we planned to spend on a hotel Friday night. (Thursday night is free due to John squaring us away with some free point rewards from Marriot. too cool).

So thanks again Carla, for letting me have the van again :)

You might be wondering why the post is called Too Excited…. Well I could not sleep in this morning. I got up before 0500 to update my laptop gps software. I t has us leaving my house at 1000 and arriving at the hotel tonight at 1859 tonight. We shall see just how long it will take us to get there. I also wanted to get an RSOI post out. We are taking laptops with us so we can post frequently on the trip. (yes we take the internet with us when we travel:) )

Well back to packing out the Van, optimize stow-and-go an luggage rack to keep the back open and ready for john’s stuff and possible sleeping accommodations. Yes I am Too Excited.

John and I are bringing podcasts for the road trip.... and I am bringing the Dune audio books; 18 CD's of some of the best science fiction (pr prophesy?) I have been exposed to. Yes I am Too Excited.